Welcome to the Asian Photonics Association
APA is a team of scientists, engineers and industrialists aimed at strengthening industry-academia linkage and promoting global industries through Photonics.

Asian Photonics Consulting Services APA aims to become a leading provider of lasers, optics and photonics based green sustainable solutions and services in collaboration with industrial partners, and leveraging our technical expertise to deliver high-quality, sustainable solutions in medical, agriculture and industrial manufacturing that drive our clients’ success. Our vision is to help you. Services are also provided for establishing photonics based high tech SMEs. Contact us at: asianphotonicsassociation@gmail.com

Unleashing the Power of Photonics in Asia

Revolutionizing Industries with Photonics

Photonics is the future of technology, and it is revolutionizing industries across Asia. From advanced manufacturing to telecommunications, photonics has the potential to transform our daily lives in ways we can only imagine.

At the Asian Photonics Association, we are dedicated to harnessing the power of photonics and driving innovation in Asia. With a diverse membership comprising experts from academia, industry, and government, we are at the forefront of advancing photonics research, development, and implementation.

Advancing Research and Collaboration

One of the key objectives of the Asian Photonics Association is to foster research and collaboration in the field of photonics. We believe that by bringing together experts from various disciplines and sectors, we can accelerate the development of cutting-edge photonics technologies.

Through our conferences, workshops, and research grants, we are aimed at providing a platform for knowledge-sharing and networking. Our members have access to the latest research findings and can collaborate with fellow photonics enthusiasts to push the boundaries of innovation.

Driving Economic Growth and Sustainability

Photonics has the potential to drive economic growth and sustainability in Asia. By enabling faster and more efficient data transmission, photonics technology can revolutionize industries such as telecommunications, healthcare, and transportation.

At the Asian Photonics Association, we work closely with governments and industry partners to promote the adoption of photonics technologies. Through policy advocacy, industry partnerships, and educational initiatives, we aim to create an enabling environment for the growth of photonics startups and SMEs.

Photonics Technologies

Photonics is the science and engineering of light. It deals with the science and engineering of generation, detection and manipulation of light.

3D interferometer: measuring geometric parameters by optical interferometry. It can measure the radius of curvature, vertex offset, fiber height of the fiber connector, and can also measure the parameters of bare fiber and bare hoop

Magic of optics: Photonics integerated with augmented reality

Magic of optics: Photonics integerated with augmented reality

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